Saturday, 29 June 2013

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What Is A Chakra - Chakras are energy centres in our bodies. They are the openings for 'life energy' to flow in and out of our aura. Their function is to nourish and vitalise our physical body and aid awareness to the development of our consciousness. Each one contains data referring to our past, present and future thoughts, feelings and emotions. Every chakra in our body vibrates at a different speed producing multiple colours in our aura.
Activating the new 13 Chakra System can bring positive lessons in life linked to the numerology, vibration and frequency of each colour.

How do we activate the chakras?

We can activate our chakras through the breath, through yoga postures, meditation and prayers, through sound and colour, through singing, through visualisation, and through certain kinds of music.
The lesson of the first chakra is "All is One".
We are all part of the whole creation. We are part of a family - a genetic code - a tribe, a race, a nation and everything that exists on this planet. We have our physical body in common with the mineral kingdom, our etheric body in common with the plant kingdom and our astral body in common with the animal kingdom. Our fourth body, our I AM - or Higher Self - distinguishes us from all the other life forms and makes our journey through the world one of developing consciousness.

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